
Auto-enrolment Pensions Seminar Success

Harvey Telford & Bates Chartered Accountants in Shrewsbury and TaxWise Rewards recently held a free auto-enrolment seminar in Shropshire, providing local businesses with guidance on auto-enrolment pensions, what they need to do and when they need to do it.

The seminar, held at The Lord Hill Hotel in Shrewsbury, was attended by over 30 businesses, with Harvey Telford & Bates auto-enrolment expert Coleen Jervis on hand to provide support and guidance to the local firms.

Coleen Jervis, auto-enrolment pensions expert at Harvey Telford & Bates Chartered Accountants, said

‘Auto-enrolment has already started for many larger companies, many SMEs are aware of their staging dates but have not yet started putting plans into place. It is essential that businesses start the process as soon as possible to ensure they are prepared.’

Rob Hughes, Managing Director of Reech said

‘I found the seminar really useful, I have limited time as a business owner so quick and informative sessions like this help me keep up-to-date which is so important.

My staging date isn’t till next year but Harvey Telford & Bates are already assisting me in putting the right procedures in place so we’ll be ready.’

If you didn’t get to attend the seminar but would like assistance with auto-enrolment planning for your business, please contact our team on 01743 462604 or email [email protected].